1. When the kids are given “prizes” Bobby will hide his in a secret stash. He will then bring it out hours, sometimes days, later so that he can tease Hadassah about having a prize. Is this . . .
a. Daddy
b. Mommy
c. Grandma Roxanne
d. Uncle Josh
e. Uncle Dave
2. While playing at the park Hadassah likes to force frightened children to hold hands with her. Is this . . .
a. Daddy
b. Mommy
c. Papa Larry
d. Uncle Ben
e. Aunt Stephie
3. Bobby likes to parrot others and repeat “catch phrases” from commercials he has seen. Is this . . .
a. Daddy
b. Mommy
c. Papa Larry
d. Zadie Triestman
e. Other ________
4. Hadassah likes to change her outfit four times a day, cries when you make her use the orange crayon because “it’s a boy color,” and is often caught telling herself how pretty she is while looking at herself in the mirror. Is this . . .
a. Bubbie Triestman
b. Mommy
c. Aunt Bep
d. Aunt Stephie
e. other ________
5. The other day Priscilla and I watched as both children took turns repeatedly flinging themselves headlong off the back of the couch, pausing periodically to laugh at the others pain. Is this . . .
a. Mommy
b. Auntie Stephie
c. Uncle Carson
d. Uncle Dave
e. Uncle Josh
6. This morning I walked into a room to find that Hadassah had been having a conversation with me for the past hour and a half. Is this . . .
a. Daddy
b. Mommy
c. Uncle Josh
d. Zadie Triestman
e. Uncle Carson
7. Bobby is impervious to discouragement, discipline or the limitations of reality itself. Is this . . .
a. Daddy
b. Zadie Triestman
c. Uncle Dave
d. Uncle Josh
e. Aunt Stephie
8. When family comes to visit Hadassah likes to greet them at the door by asking where her present is. Is this . . .
a. Daddy
b. Uncle Carson
c. Aunt Bep
d. Aunt Stephie
e. other _________
9. Bobby goes through his days with a perpetual cloud of dust hovering over him and a ring of cookie encircling his mouth. Intervention will only dirty a cloth. Is this . . .
a. Daddy
b. Grandma Roxanne
c. Bubbie Triestman
d. Uncle Carson
e. Uncle Dave
10. When falling, the first thing Hadassah will do is check to see if her hands got dirty. If so she will begin crying for someone to wipe off her oowie. Is this . . .
a. Mommy
b. Auntie Stephie
c. Auntie Bep
d. Uncle Dave
e. Uncle Ben
11. When Bobby takes a toy from Hadassah she will let him have it and find another toy with which to play. Is this . . .
a. Daddy
b. Papa Larry
c. Uncle Ben
d. Aunt Bep
e. Uncle Carson
Although there might be some discussion as to who the kids "take after," it should be obvious to everyone who they look like. (Pictured here is my favorite photo of all-time along with a random archive picture of Bobby.)
Okay... lately I haven't been acing all my quizzes (IT'S ERIC AND HIS SHINY THING'S FAULT!) So here goes..
1.D 2.A 3.B 4.C 5.D 6.E 7.D 8.C 9.A 10.B 11.C
I had a hard time deciding on some Hadassah characteristics whether it was Beppish or Stephish..
Did I win since I might have been the only one who has and will take the time to report back my answers so some one will give me a pat on the back?
1.c 2.e 3.e (Carson?) 4.d 5.d 6.e 7.a 8.d 9.a 10.b 11.b
Bobby has to develop a blank stare before he can replicate his stock photo - the pink-skinned photo of him has way too much mischief in his eyes!
Also, the fact that they're throwing themselves off the couch means they're probably destined to become gymnasts - better enroll them in classes STAT and hyper-caffeinate yourself - you've got a lot of screaming and high-pressure-inducing to do! :-P
Hi Dan and Priscilla!
Stephen, Andy, Sarah, my mom, Aunt Kum Duk, and I just read through the cute quiz and enjoyed laughing at it. We are all together at Grandma and Grandpa's for Thanksgiving right now, about ready to eat desert.
I'm so glad you guys set up a blog. You do a good job keeping your posts funny and interesting. :)
Sorry, I don't have actual answers...Stephen just told me to pick Stephie for every single one. :)
Happy Thanksgiving!
I know you were looking for the cookie stained mouth one saying it was me...but I dont usually have a cookie ring around my mouth thank you very much!! Ha!
I liked the quiz. It's funny to see the funny ways that the kids act like those they are around. I doubt it's influenced by those that they resemble. I'm sure Dave has had a good part in the (non fear of death) actions.
Are you going to report on the (correct) answers?
1.E 2.B 3.A 4.D 5.D 6.E 7.D 8.C
9.D 10.B 11.A
Number 5 and 10 are getting the same answers from everyone so far. D and B
1.a, 2.b, 3.c, 4.d, 5.d, 6.e, 7.d, 8.c, 9.d, 10.b, 11.c
I miss you guys a ton.
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