We thought we found our camera a week ago at my parents, but after scrolling through the pictures and seeing nothing but "The Rain Man Collection" I realized that it was my dad's camera. We just found our camera and accessories this morning. Sorry for the shoddy layout of the pictures, but the display looks a lot better in the edit room than when posted:
I have no idea where the kids found the suckers, but from the looks of Bobby if your looking to take candy from a baby you better come packing.
Fresh crabs, straight from the Potomac to your table with just a brief layover in a steamy bath of Old Bay Seasoning. One of the highlights of our trips to Alexandria.
A friendly, indigenous tribes-woman holds my children at the Levittown Pre-Thanksgiving Day Parade.
Priscilla and the kids standing in "the mall" courtyard in D.C. Behind them can be seen the Washington Monument.
Priscilla and the kids standing in the same exact place in "the mall" courtyard in D.C. Behind them can be seen the Capital Building.
I took this picture to prove to Priscilla that, yes, the kids do nap for me.
Shopping, popping (video) and photo opping.

Dan i must say that i wondered how you would do as a stay at home daddy. would the kids really be taken care of and look after. But after seeing the pics of "nap time" all fears are laid to rest.
Dan, I couldnt do a better job, in fact I probably would do a worse job as a stay at home dad.
By the way, Bobby looks like a gangster in one of the pictures, I thought you were pacifist? Starting to change your ways I see.
my url is bad
its www.myspace.com/cowboycurt
I love the way Bobby's holding the mallet in the crab picture, and I don't think you could've come up with a better explanation/caption for the last photo.
Anonymous was me, btw. I was just too lazy to put my name up, then thought better of it. Can't wait to see you guys when you come back here!
Luke just told me that you got incarcerated by the secret service at the innaguration of Obama and you are still in custody. he wanted me to help with your breakout. I was loading my bullet proof vests into the car when he told me he was just kidding. The Cowboy is quite pissed.
dan- what's going on? a month of no blog-posts? come on! I know you are busy as Mr. mom, but.......
Hey guys! Love your blog, hope we can get together again soon!
Hi Priscilla!
We're sending a big wave from Alaska!
Come check out our blog sometime.
Steve and Paula (Nelson) Runyan
Hey. Blog again. I don't know what the heck you're doing.
Priscilla! I lost your email.. been meaning to respond to your comment about the picture of the hands. No- they are not Grandpa's. I wish I had some of his hands. When we visited him in Bemdiji I decided not to lug my camera with and am sooo wishing I would have as I could have had some really nice ones of him and Eddy. Oh well, they're in my head, right?! :) ~ Jill
Priscilla! I lost your email.. been meaning to respond to your comment about the picture of the hands. No- they are not Grandpa's. I wish I had some of his hands. When we visited him in Bemdiji I decided not to lug my camera with and am sooo wishing I would have as I could have had some really nice ones of him and Eddy. Oh well, they're in my head, right?! :) ~ Jill
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