Since his arrival, I am back in the life of the hour and a half "time bomb". Started supper? Oops, baby needs to eat...sorry kids hope you like slightly burnt curry...
Hadassah and Isaac have taken it upon themselves to make "Rocky" live up to his nickname and make him the toughest kid in the neighborhood. Yesterday, I found him halfway across the dining room licking the wood floor after I distinctly remember putting him "safely" on a blanket in the living room. Now, I know I have exceptional children, but I am pretty sure my 3 week old can't crawl yet. Hadassah cheerfully informed me that Rocky wanted to go for a ride so they "helped" him into the dining room. (translation: he was dragged there).
Congrats!! He is adorable... and probably very advanced!! ;) That third one is always exceptionally tough no matter what thier name is!
that last picture is awesome! all of their expressions are just priceless! congrats!!
That is so hilarious. Also, I your sister, who happens to have excellent taste, thinks that you are a lovely blogger. Keep it up!
ohh...just finding these pics! He is so cute! Looks like you have lots of great helpers too! Glad everything went well for you..texted David that Wed. night for the info and all I got was.."Yea, name is Rocky" :)
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