I don't really like blogs. To be honest, I am pretty much against all computer networking technology. I long for the bygone days where media was an elitist tool wielded only by the rich, famous or powerful -a weapon of propaganda. I want my information filtered through the hazy-bias of Ted Turner and Pat Robertson, not some joe-six pack who is more interested in broadcasting himself than he is in trying to force me to think the way he does. The internet media has become the world’s largest stage, hosting an endless open-mike night. Anyway, at the request of friends and family here is the Triestman’s set. Please don’t be offended if we don’t stick around to listen to your number. (The unrelated picture is Princess and Bobby greeting two would-be muggers in NY's central park.)
Friday, October 24, 2008
Blogger Disclaimer
I don't really like blogs. To be honest, I am pretty much against all computer networking technology. I long for the bygone days where media was an elitist tool wielded only by the rich, famous or powerful -a weapon of propaganda. I want my information filtered through the hazy-bias of Ted Turner and Pat Robertson, not some joe-six pack who is more interested in broadcasting himself than he is in trying to force me to think the way he does. The internet media has become the world’s largest stage, hosting an endless open-mike night. Anyway, at the request of friends and family here is the Triestman’s set. Please don’t be offended if we don’t stick around to listen to your number. (The unrelated picture is Princess and Bobby greeting two would-be muggers in NY's central park.)
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So far I am incredibly entertained. I think that is one of the best Simpson's episodes I have ever seen! Nice job with the blog. I am sooo very sorry you have been forced to blog. Your place is great! How come Bobby is so lacking in pants??
Hey Great blog.
I don't know if it was just my computer or not but when i tried to watch the simpsons episode i was showered with a bunch of addware, spyware, banners adds, and other sites, My spyware went crazy! Eric would you know why this is happening? I have Bit Defender.
I'm looking forward to seeing what you guys are up to out there. ttyl
I hope you guys are aware that the only reason Luke left a comment was to get free computer help. How sad...:(
Hellooo welcome to the blogger world! So happy to see pics of your sweet little kiddies again! We had such a nice visit with Priscilla.. hope you can come - all of you- and visit us again! I was leary when I started blogging too... but doing if for same reason too. The grandparents sure like it. Can't wait to catch up with your new adventures out east...
Life is tough without Isaac and Hadassah. Last week at about 7 pm I looked over at Roxanne who was sleeping with a book on her lap just before I fell asleep with a book on my lap. We try to watch more tv. Roxanne watches the news--the commercials--at 9 pm. I try to get her to watch our latest Netflix. Since we hate to end the 2007 season of Numbers too early, we now are watching the 2003 season of Law and Order--but then Roxanne still goes to sleep so I think I will go back to Babylon V. Though the plot is thin, there is such a great asortment of aliens and explosions, I can't imagine anyone truthfully not being engrossed in the show.
We trust Hadassah will be ready to appreciate Winnie the Pooh when you all come back to the Iron Range. I'm starting work on grandma's casket. I would think that real soon Isaac could help me find the tools that I mislay when I do projects. Carson was about 3 when he learned how to hammer a nail. We knew he was some sort of very special kid when he hammmered that 5 inch nail at Grandma Rodgers house all the way into her birdfeeder post. He started hammering about 12:15 and kept at it steady not wanting to break for supper. The nail continues to do its job magnificently. We hope Isaac will take after his uncle.
Eric, David and I had a great game of monopoly last weekend. We felt Dan's absence. Eric immediately wanted to play another game after David finished bankrupting us (how games imitate life) He knew that Dan would be up for it. We added the element of a lottery to the game. If one wanted to take advantage of the pot for landing on Free Parking, he had to put $50 of his own money in when passing Go.
Senility has become an accepted reality in my identity. I was telling a really good story a while back and Eric said in a loud whisper (I think it was a whisper) "He just told that story." Several people tried to shush him, which I thot was kind of them. While announcing at the chapel Stephie and Eric's engagement I told how I remembered them connecting with each other. David texted to mom (who was in Baudette) that I was making up stories again. After they reviewed the story with me, I was still able to distance myself far enough from my senility to understand that the story was fantasy--which I like. I think everyone who is truthful about it will admit to liking fantasy--with or without aliens and expolsions, and elves.
We really really miss you all.
Your Dad and Papa.
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