Saturday, October 25, 2008

View from Our Balcony

1. The Washington Monument (It stands in the distance as a proud tribute to the spirit of democracy and the hope of a great nation. It's the second thing the aliens blew up in "Independence Day.")

2. Where we park our car. (Not in the tree, smart guy, the parking garage is to the left.

3. Where Jimmy Stewart gave his great filibuster speech.

4. Our only adjacent neighbors (They have yet to complain about the Judge Judy in Spanish at 6:00 am)

5. The nearest slurpee (.4 miles away)

6. The closest halel butcher shop

7. The second closest halel butcher shop

8. The home of an angry man who is just now wandering why I appear to be taking his picture

9. The apartment Priscilla thought was ours when we arrived at 1:00 am and carried everything we owned from the car

(This is a very dark and overcast view of the park taken from our balcony. Every morning -with the exception of this morning because it is dark and overcast- our kids will awake to the squealing sounds of children. We will eat breakfast, get dressed then go to the park and play with "friends." ("Friends" is the term we have adopted to refer to any other child.) Hadassah is learning to play with others on her own and is slowly beginning to realize that just because everyone is her "friend" doesn't mean that they all want to play with her. Bobby has been a little less social is more interested in learning to go down the slide on his own without drawing blood.)

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